Thursday, September 9, 2010

Instructions and My Topic

Wow, never thought I'd be this happy to write a set of instructions, but after two weeks of talking about rhetoric - I'm thrilled to move on! I am pretty excited to learn about writing instructions though as I know this is a skill that will come in handy in every major, especially mine (computer science). I am sure I will have to write plenty of instructions for computer programs I write.

My topic for our assignment is "how to repair the disc read error on an xbox 360." Over the years, I have fixed a few of my friends xbox's that had this error and saved them the time/money required to send an xbox into to Microsoft and get it fixed. I figured this would be a good topic because it is beneficial for anyone with a xbox 360 as they are pretty prone to errors, and a common error is the disc read error. This occurs when someone inputs a disc into an xbox, and the screen still says "insert a playable disc."

My hope is that after completing this assignment, I will be able to handle any task where I am handed something and told "write instructions for how to use this," and able to write effective instructions for any program I write in the future.


  1. I agree that writing instructions is a good break from rhetoric...and that seems to be the consensus of the class as well.

    I find it interesting that you are writing about the disc read error for the xbox 360. I was unaware they were so prone to errors. What other errors usually come up? Are they less reliable than other gaming systems or about the same?

    And yes, learning to write instructions will probably be a major part of your professional life as a computer science major because if someone else cannot use what you write, it's useless! Good luck with the instructions!

  2. i was glad to move on as well. I do not like harping on a topic. You instructions seem really cool. I wish I were in your group so I could have seen them. I am interested to know how you incorporated pictures in. You should publish your instructions on the web for real. I am sure plenty of people google this topic everyday. I would say put it on wikipedia, but there is a rule about posting original stuff.
